Wednesday, October 20, 2010

tattoo on one of the members of our body, art or describe our identity? show who actually ourselves?

Tattoo is a work of art to decorate the body with certain images to create the body beautiful. In some areas of the world, such as in Hawaii, India or even in Borneo, tattooing is used as a symbol or a marker of one's maturity, especially for men in the area. But some people still consider that tattoos are always associated with negative things. Although many tattoo opinion is wrong, because contrary to the norms of religions but nowadays more and more people who make a tattoo, banent andoth perm temporary tattoo. In fact, among celebrities, tattooing is a trend, because a lot of celebrities were present tattoo. The celebrities in the world, especially in Indonesia, both men and women, so many use as an ornamental body tattoos and even identity. One example of foreign musicians, former band Motley Crue drummer, Tommy Lee.


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